I am one of the many car enthusiasts on the Internet with more cars than covered parking. I am tired of irresponsible people with a misplaced sense of value converting their garage to a den, SO.....HOW TO CONVERT YOUR LIVING ROOM/ DEN TO A GARAGE By John Bowyer One of the biggest dilemmas of a car enthusiast is inadequate storage space for collectable cars. For most of us, the 1 or 2 car garage is the limit. It is possible to store at least one more car at your home with some planning and modifications. Converting your unused living room or den to a garage makes more sense than you may realize. There is less property tax to pay on your house, since your living area decreases. There is less carpet to maintain, since most of it will be removed in the garage area. These are just a few of the advantages of the conversion. I'll be talking about more later. The first step in the conversion is planning the approach into the den. In most cases this simply involves removing the picture windows and paving over an old flower bed. The less time maintaining the flowers, the more time you have to spend on the car! You will have to select a garage door to replace the windows. If space for an overhead type door is a problem, a steel door similar to storefronts in shopping centers may be used. Your house is now more secure, since you have decreased the number of windows a burglar could use. If I-Beams are used to reinforce the walls, they can also be used as an engine hoist for major car projects. With this part finished, you may want to add more lighting. A bathroom type of light fixture has the advantage of having an exhaust fan built in . If the kitchen is nearby, the stove exhaust fan can be used also. There should already be electricity for the battery charger and plenty of air conditioning. A word of caution though; don't install a lift unless you have a tall ceiling or 2 story house. Details on modifying the upstairs room for this will be in another article. There are so many advantages for this conversion, I am surprised that they have not been pointed out before. The indoor environment is very good protection for the car. You never have to start out from home in a hot car in the summer. Once in the house, the car can be used in ways not thought of before. You can roll down the window and play the radio or cassette for family entertainment instead of buying an expensive stereo system. By placing a TV on the hood, you can watch the movie "drive-in style" from the back seat. If you get carried away with your sweetheart, you will be thankful you are in the privacy of your home. When the power is out in the neighborhood, turn on the headlights. Want to get the kids out of bed in the morning? Use the horn! You do not need to worry about a nagging wife when the car is in the den. She will have left long before construction has been completed!
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